of my

In 2019 I started shifting my career to web development. After spending years working on layouts and graphic design for multiple websites and applications, I wanted to take full control of the whole project.
Thanks to my background as an engineer and designer, I have a wide range of tools and knowledge to deal with all the needs and requirements that come with a development project. For a successful design, knowing the current options and trends, studying the final user, and defining the project requirements from the very beginning are vital. factors that I always consider when working on developing. 

I have acquired a wide range of experiences and knowledge thanks to my studies during these last three years. You can see some examples of this on this page. 

The hut

Online plaform to help inmigrants and refugees

“the hut” is a website that connects people who need assistance with people who can assist with housing, job search, and translation services. The web was created as the final project for college, but it is still being developed as a live project. The topics were selected after studying and interviewing individuals who have migrated from other countries or are in the process of doing so.
The project includes a website as well as a database for storing users’ information. The website was built using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS languages, as well as the Bootstrap framework. To build the database and to connect it to the web, PHP and SQL were used.

Winter Adventures

Live web for a winter sports company.  

This College project for a fictional business was an exercise to practise the bootstrap framework, CSS styles, javascript and API integration on the web.
The project comprehend a home page, a dedicated one for the locations, and a  page for signing up and booking packages. There is an interactive map of the current weather in all of the locations that provide live weather information. The site also includes videos to make the design more attractive for the visitors. 

Bookstore Online Store

 Live e-commerce site for a comic book store 

“Moebius” is one of Spain’s oldest and most famous comic book stores. It has been in business since 1982. Along with the graphic design and updated branding, the client also wanted a clean and easy-to-use store not only for visitors but also from the business side.
I created a WordPress store using WooCommerce and added some customised CSS to the theme selected. With the design, the main focus was on creating a straightforward and welcoming interface where visitors can easily browse the products. SEO procedures were taken into consideration when uploading and editing the information displayed.


College project for a second-hand online store.

The goal of the project is to build a site to recycle and resell used digital goods.

To build the database I created a MySQL database that was linked to the site through PHP language. Users of the website can sell their own goods, create an account, make purchases and search the database.

Screenshot of home page online store

IC Moves

For this class project, I created a website for a real estate agent.

Throughout this project, the focus was on the user experience and the interactions and different ways in which the visitor will use the website. The prototyping of the project and the user research to find different types of users played a key role while making it.


Screenshot of home page real state agent store